Wednesday, September 9, 2009

3rd Annual Neighbourhood BBQ

Let's celebrate the end of summer with our annual neighbourhood BBQ. We hope you can all make it out and it is weather permitted so lets pray for no rain :)
Like always it will be a potluck, so please bring a BBQ item, salad, or dish to share; the grill will be provided. Also please bring your own drinks. Feel free to invite other neighbours and friends that might not live on our street.
Date: Saturday September 26, 2009
Time: 4:00pm
Place: 61 B ave cult-de-sac
See you all on Sept 26 :)


  1. We will be there, I'll bring hot dogs, and tandoori chicken :)

  2. I am working the day of and early the following day but will manage an hour or two.


  3. A note to all...Burglary increase in our area. Luck who lives behind me stated that the neighbour immediately across the street from him was burgled last week. Only a 3 hour window for the crime. It appears that the property was watched until the owner's left then they went around the back of the house via the side gate and through a partially open windoa. PLEASE BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR ANY SUSPICIOUS/ NOT KNOWN TO THE AREA PEOPLE.

  4. Hello everyone, the Johal family will be there. Terry, Ramandeep & Taylor :)

  5. Kudos to the mastermind behind the Sullivan Heights blog!!! FABULOUS IDEA!!!!

    And great to see the annual BBQ back! The Haywoods (15053) will there!

  6. Great idea for the blog. Wonderful idea for the annual BBQ. The Poulin family (corner house) will be there. Also, thanks for the update on the crime.

  7. Great idea to have a blog!
    Sorry to say we are not going to be here for the Bbq. but hope everyone attending has a lot of fun!

  8. Unfortunely We will not be attending as we have
    community function that day.

    Have a great time.


  9. I am Licenced to GRIIIILLLL!!!!!

    Armi :)

  10. Hi neighbors its Ricky just to let you guys know I will be having a car wash on Sat. from 11:00-2:00 unless it rains.

    Ps help me raise $45.00 for a psp game please!

    Hope to see you Saturday 15058 61b ave
